I offer in-depth tool reviews, old tool restoration tips & tricks, carpentry project videos and on the rare occasion, tool comparisons.

I like quality tools, the kind that will last the test of time & they are the focus of the majority of my videos. I use my tools on a daily basis and I like to wait a while before I review them so I can make sure they will last & know them well. I talk about power and speed in my reviews but I’m mostly interested in looking at their quality, durability and features

I sometimes prefer older tools (ones that are discontinued by manufacturers) over new tools. Often the only way I can get them is by buying them used and restoring them.

Most of the projects which I present are simple and easy to build, so anyone can make them. Recent projects include items for the workshop (work benches, storage…) also useful &/or decorative things for the home, garden and pets.

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